What Would God Have Us Think of Him?
Marty Voltz
(Matthew 6:9-13)
God Desires That We Think of Him as our Father.
God Desires That We Think of him as our Sovereign King.
God Desires That We Think of Him as Provider of All We Need.
What Would God Have Us Think of Him?
Marty Voltz
(Matthew 6:9-13)
God Desires That We Think of Him as our Father.
God Desires That We Think of him as our Sovereign King.
God Desires That We Think of Him as Provider of All We Need.
What Would Jesus Do? | Youth Sunday 2020
Eli Rickard and Isaiah Kirkeeng
(Philippians 2:1-11)
What We are Called to Do as Followers of Jesus (vs 1-5)
What Jesus Has Already Done to Show Us the Way (vs 5-11)
Jeremiah: What is Your Response to God’s Word?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 36)
Fearing God’s Word
Not Fearing God’s Word
Jeremiah: The Ultimate Promise Keeper
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 30-33)
Short-term Promises
Messianic Promises
End-times Promises
Jeremiah: The King Is In Control
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 25:1-14)
God is Sovereign Over Nations and Rulers (vs 1-10)
God Sometimes Disciplines His People Using the Unjust (vs 11)
God Will Punish All Those Who Do Evil (vs 12-14)
Jeremiah: God's Word is Like A Fire and A Hammer
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 23:9-32)
The Lying Prophets Speak Deception
The Living God Speaks Truth
Jeremiah: Warning - Judgement is Coming
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 13-16)
1. A Linen Belt and Wineskins (Chapter 13)
2. A Drought and Four Destroyers (Chapters 14-15)
3. Fishermen and Hunters (Chapter 16)
Jeremiah: The Kind of Religion God Hates
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 7-10)
Hypocritical Worship (Chapter 7)
Unsaved Clergy (Chapter 8)
Spiritual Pride (Chapter 9)
Worshipping False Gods (Chapter 10)
Jeremiah: Prophet to the Nations
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 1)
A Divine Appointment (vs 1-5)
A Reluctant Prophet (vs 6-9)
A Dangerous Mission (vs 10-19)
Jeremiah: God Files for Divorce
Pastor Jay Childs
(Jeremiah 2-3)
The Grounds for Divorce
The Offer to Reconcile