Our goal in Senior Ministries is to offer a place of encouragement, a place for seniors to grow in community and in the knowledge of God's grace, and to finish well as "senior saints."


Senior Luncheon

Adults 55+ mark your calendars for the 4th Thursday of the month at 12:00 pm in the Activity Center. Each month we will provide chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, bread and water bottlesyou are welcome to bring a side dish or dessert to share, but it is not necessary to attend.

March 27 | guest Steve Stenzel, Global Outreach Coordinator
April 24 | musical guest Maureen Christine
• May 15 | missionaries Phil and Cindy Fisk will be our guests

Bible Studies

Our church offers a number of Bible study opportunities for men and women, most of which meet weekly. We also offer Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) groups on Sundays as a way to foster small communities among such a large church. The following studies are designed specifically with seniors in mind:

  • The Meridians ABF (ages 50+) meets Sundays at 10:30 am

  • Primetimers ABF meets Sundays at 10:30 am

Contact Us

Tim Bruns
Pastor of  Adult and Care Ministries
815-459-1095 x 313

Mary Pearson
Adult and Care Ministries Assistant
815-459-1095 x337
Email Mary