
Ministry to Women at EFCCL exists to provide opportunities for women of all ages and stages to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, as we connect with love and care for one another.

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.


Embrace is our bi-weekly gathering for moms with young kids, ages 0-5 (including moms of kindergartners too!). We encourage moms to embrace the journey of motherhood through friendship, mutual support, and opportunities to follow Jesus, our Shepherd.

Embrace will resume again in the fall, but you are always welcome to join us for one of our park dates this summer! All park dates are from 9:30-11:30 am.

Wednesday, June 19 @ Prairie Grove Village Park
Thursday, July 11 @ Freddie Harriman
Friday, July 26 @ Knox Park
Monday, August 6 @ Kaper Park
Tuesday, August 20 @ Veteran Acres


Next Muffins, Mugs & More: July 13 | 9:00 - 10:30 am | in the Activity Center

 All women are invited for muffins and fruit as well as tea and coffee while we get to know other women of church. Feel free to bring your daughters or grand-daughters if they would enjoy sitting and visiting with others, childcare is not provided.

Upcoming 2024 dates: October 12
Upcoming 2025 dates: January 11

If you have any questions please EMAIL Peggy Strasser.


Interested in doing a Bible Study? Click the button below for details on available classes and to register.


SUMMER MEETING: July 30 @ 7 pm | Location TBD

Our book club will be meeting once this summer to discuss the latest book from New York Times bestselling author Erik Larson, Demon of Unrest. If you like US history, and specifically Civil War, plan to join us on Tuesday, July 30th. Location TBD. (It’s over 500 pages so you might want to get started!)

Please email me at wagner.joan318@gmail.com with any questions, or to be added to our email list. We are always happy to welcome new members to our group! 


Varying days and times

Do you have a desire to grow in your knowledge of God, the Bible, or the Christian life? Would you like for this growth to occur in the context of a relationship with an older/more mature woman and in a way that meets you right where you are?

Have you prayerfully considered Christ’s command to make disciples? As Mark Dever defines it in his little book, Discipling, this is simply “helping another person follow Jesus.” No matter where you are on your Christian walk, there is always a woman behind you on that journey who can benefit from your wisdom and experience—even if you don’t think so!


Our Sewing Seeds Ministry, hosts a Sew Fest in the Activity Center on the 4th Saturday of every month from 9 am - 1 pm. We sew dresses for little girls around the world who live in poverty-stricken areas, while enjoying a fun time with women (and girls) from our church family.

We are currently making dresses, tote bags, stuffed dolls/animals, tag blankets and baby blankets. Come check us out!

  • If you sew, we have instructions, fabric, and some embellishments for you to use.

  • If you don’t sew but would like to help, we most always have an ironing project or buttons to sew on pockets and would be grateful for anyone willing to assist!

For more info and to be included in monthly email updates, email Laura Giese.
Contact Laura Giese.

“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness” (Psalm‬ ‭115‬:‭1‬ ).

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James‬ ‭1‬:‭27).


Meets once a month on the second Friday of the month in Room 211 from 9:30-11:30 am.
ALL AGES and SKILL LEVELS of fiber arts (knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, etc.) are welcome!

Bring your own project to work on and join us for a morning of fellowship!

For more info and to be included in monthly email updates, email Alana Carrera.
Contact Alana Carrera


Join us for a hike (weather permitting)! Meet in the front/north church parking lot for carpool from church or meet us at the location (For location of a specific hike please contact Martha at the contact information below)

• Depart from Church @ approx. 12:30 pm
• Lunch (bring your own or we can stop and pick up a sandwich).
• Hike – approx 1-2 Hours.
• RSVP to Martha Schuelke, if you are coming, need a ride, or have room for passengers (847-854-8139, 224-558-2143 cell, or schuelkemxn@juno.com)
DATES: Usually the last Sunday of the month. Please contact Martha Schuelke for 2024 meeting dates


Peggy Strasser
Director of Ministry to Women
815-459-1095 x323
email Peggy