Freedom From Anxiety
Cal Hiebert
(Matthew 6:25-34)
God Will Take Care of Your Life (vs 25-27)
God Will Take Care of Your Needs (vs 28-32)
God Will Take Care of Your Future (vs 33-34)
Freedom From Anxiety
Cal Hiebert
(Matthew 6:25-34)
God Will Take Care of Your Life (vs 25-27)
God Will Take Care of Your Needs (vs 28-32)
God Will Take Care of Your Future (vs 33-34)
The Battle is the Lord’s
Dr. Marty Crain
(2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
Battle Context
Jehoshaphat Prays
God Provides
The People Worship
Enemies are Vanquished
The Testimony of Joy
What Does the Bible Say? | What Does the Bible Say About the LGBTQ+ Issue?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Genesis 2:15-25)
Some Historical Context
The Bible and Same-sex Marriage
What Does the Bible Say? | What Does the Bible Say About Evolution?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Genesis 1 & 2)
The Origin of the Universe
The Origin of Plant and Animal Life
The Origin of Human Life
What Does the Bible Say? | What Does the Bible Say About Racism?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Genesis 1 :26)
Six Reasons Why Racism is a Grievous Sin and Offensive to God:
Because All Are Made in God’s Image
Because All Are Equally Corrupted by Sin
Because God Hates Injustice
Because Whoever Hates His Brother is a Murderer
Because All True Christians Are One in Christ
Because of What Heaven Will Look Like
What Does the Bible Say? | What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Genesis 1 and 9 / Exodus 21 / Psalm 139)
The Status of Human Life (Genesis 1 and 9)
The Status of the Unborn (Exodus 21 and Psalm 139)
Celebrating the Church!
Pastor Jay Childs
(Ephesians 4:1-16)
1. Celebrating Unity in Diversity (vs 1-6)
2. Celebrating Spiritual Gifts (vs 7-16)
Rick Thompson
(1 Peter 5:1-7)
1. Humility Among The Shepherds (vs 1-4)
2. Humility Among The Youth (vs 5a)
3. Humility Among Us All (vs 5b-7)
God’s Glory Declared
Cal Hiebert
(Psalm 19)
1. God’s Glory Declared by the Heavens (vs 1-6)
2. God’s Glory Declared by His Word (vs 7-11)
3. God’s Glory Declared by Our Response (vs 12-14)
What Does the Bible Say? | What Does the Bible Say About Gender and Identity?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Genesis 1:26-27)
1. Human Beings Are Created in God’s Image
2. Human Beings Only Come in Two Genders