We desire to be a singing church with our worship magnifying our great God, and extolling the excellencies of Christ and the gospel. God’s Word is foundational to our worship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Paul instructs us in Colossians to “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16).
Worship Teams
Our Worship Teams minister on Sunday mornings in both services (9 and 10:45 am). If you are interested in serving as a vocalist or instrumentalist, contact Pastor Doug to set up an audition. Rehearsals are scheduled for Sunday mornings before service at 7 am.
Worship Choir
The Worship Choir sings in the Sunday morning services, and you’re welcome to join! No audition is required. During the fall, winter, and spring, rehearsals are weekly on Wednesdays from 6:45 to 8:30 pm in the Choir Suite.
Tech Teams
Our Tech Teams serve on Sundays for both morning services (9 and 10:45 am). We have sound, lighting, video mixing, camera operators, and lyric projection service opportunities available. On the job training will be provided. Want to join the Tech Team? Contact our Tech Director, Mike Niemi.
March 23
Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
Brenton Brown | Paul Baloche -
Crown Him with Many Crowns
George Job Elvey | Godfrey Thring | Matthew Bridges -
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Martin Luther | Tommy Bailey -
Help Us See Christ
Bob Kauflin | Matthew Carpenter -
Is He Worthy?
Andrew Peterson | Ben Shive
March 16
Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery
Matt Boswell | Matt Papa | Michael Bleecker -
How Great Is the Greatness of God
Bryan Christopher Fowler | Matt Boswell | Matt Papa -
God the Uncreated One (King Forevermore)
Aaron Keyes | Pete James -
We Receive
Jonathan Althoff | Marc Willerton | Nathan Stiff
March 9
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
John Wyeth | Robert Robinson | Thomas Miller -
O Praise the Name (Anástasis)
Benjamin Hastings | Dean Ussher | Marty Sampson -
Only a Holy God
Dustin Smith | Jonny Robinson | Michael Farren | Rich Thompson -
How Great Is Our God
Chris Tomlin | Ed Cash | Jesse Reeves -
Hymn of Heaven
Bill Johnson | Brian Johnson | Chris Davenport | Phil Wickham
March 2
House of the Lord
Jonathan Smith | Phil Wickham -
Jesus Paid It All
Alex Nifong | Elvina M. Hall | John Thomas Grape -
Living Hope
Brian Johnson | Phil Wickham -
The Jesus Way
Jonathan Smith | Phil Wickham
February 23
He Is Worthy
David Zimmer | Nathan Stiff -
Christus Victor (Amen)
Bryan Fowler | Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty | Matt Boswell | Matt Papa -
All I Have Is Christ
Jordan Kauflin
February 16
Creation Sings the Father’s Song
Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty | Stuart Townend -
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Jordan Kauflin | Keith Getty | Matt Boswell | Matt Papa | Matthew Merker -
All Things
David Zimmer | Nathan Stiff -
Only a Holy God
Dustin Smith | Jonny Robinson | Michael Farren | Rich Thompson -
Thank You Jesus for the Blood
Bryan McCleery | Charity Gayle | David Gentiles | Elisha Albright Hoffman | John Hart Stockton | Ryan Kennedy | Steven Musso
February 9
Come Thou Almighty King
Felice De Giardini, Tommy Bailey, Sarah Gehri, Nathan Mickle, & Tom Yarbrough -
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Dave Cleveland | Edward Perronet | Fionán De Barra | John Rippon | Keith Getty -
All Hail the Glorious Christ
Dave Fournier | Matt Papa -
In Christ Alone
Keith Getty | Stuart Townend -
Living Hope
Brian Johnson | Phil Wickham
February 2
How Great Is the Greatness of God
Bryan Christopher Fowler | Matt Boswell | Matt Papa -
David Zimmer | Nathan Stiff -
How Great Thou Art
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine -
Turn Your Eyes
George Romanacce | Helen H. Lemmel | Kevin Winebarger | Nathan Stiff | Nic Trout
Listen all week long with the EFCCL Worship Playlist!
Doug Friesen
Pastor of Worship Ministries
815.459.1095 (x313)
Bonnie Kerr
Worship Ministries Assistant
815.459.1095 (x325)
Mike Niemi
Tech Director
815.459.1095 (x326)