Our goal in Children's Disciple-making Ministries is to make the gospel message available to children of all ages, but we also want to equip parents and families for discussion, discipleship, and prayer beyond what is shared at Sunday school. All of the take-home materials below are available at no cost, so please download and use them! We also hope you'll enjoy our list of suggested websites, family devotionals, reference materials, and training books.
Websites for Families
The "Family Fun Night" series by Heritage Builders has a lot of great ideas for teaching through fun activities; helpful articles.
Articles and blogs: At Home, Day Light Calendar, Truthscripts, Modern Day Joseph.
A wide variety of resources, including articles, podcasts, Adventures in Odyssey, and e-zines.
Visit Visionary Parenting for worship guides and parenting seminars (some free).
Articles, events, resources to purchase.
Reviews of movies, games, TV shows, and culture from a Christian perspective.
Christian perspective on the news; children's magazines.
Christian Evangelism Fellowship articles; "Wonderzone" devotional for kids.
Bibles, Storybooks, and Devotionals
Jesus Storybook Bible, by Sally Lloyd-Jones (given out at Awana Cubbies
The Big Picture Story Bible, by David Helm
NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers, (given out to our K-2nd graders)
NIV Adventure Bible (given out to our 4-5 graders)
ESV Grow Bible
Hands-on Bible, by Group
NLT Life Application Study Bible: Choose from an edition for boys and an edition for girls
There are many choices when it comes to devotionals. Begin by looking at the following publishers: Tyndale, Legacy Press, and CEF Press (Child Evangelism Fellowship).
Reference and Bible-related Materials
Tech Safety Guide for Families - CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
What The Bible Is All About: Handbook for Kids: This is a newly revised version of What the Bible Is All About: For Young Explorers
Holman's Illustrated Bible Dictionary for Kids
How to Study the Bible, for Kids: This Harvest House book by Kay Arthur is part of our 4-5 grade curriculum.
Big Book of Bible Skills: by Gospel Light. Many games have "Bible editions," including Go Fish, Apples to Apples, Mad Gab, Outburst, and Tri-Bonds.
Adventures in Odyssey: These are great audio, book, and DVD resources from Focus on the Family.
What's in the Bible?: A new animated series of DVDs that will eventually cover the entire Bible; we have used some of this material in our K-2nd grade classes.
The Case for Christ for Kids, The Case for Faith for Kids, The Case for a Creator for Kids, by Lee Strobel
Books for Spiritual Training
Mealtime Moments, by Bowman and Goyer, Tyndale
The Family Compass, by Bruner and Bruner, Chariot Victor
It Starts at Home, by Bruner and Stroope, Moody
Parenting in the Pews, by Robbie Castleman, IVP
Raising a Modern-Day Joseph, by Larry Fowler, Cook
Rock-Solid Kids, by Larry Fowler, Gospel Light
52 Family Time Ideas, by Timothy Smith, Bethany House
Leading Your Child to Jesus, by David Staal, Zondervan
Big Truths for Young Hearts, by Bruce Ware, Crossway
How to Raise a Modern-Day Joseph, by Linda Massey Weddle, Cook