Four Fires Men’s Ministry: Our vision is to see men transformed by God into disciples of Christ, experiencing purpose, finding focus, and being encouraged, as they are equipped to serve and love CHRIST, their HOME, the CHURCH, and the WORLD.
Men’s Breakfast:
April 5
August 2
October 11
All men are invited to join us on a Saturday morning from 7 - 9 am in the Activity Center.
It's not a bribe, but we do offer bacon amongst the smorgasbord of other great breakfast foods. How could you expect less from a Men's Breakfast?
So come get fed. For FREE. And bring your dad, son, friend, neighbor... Beyond the physical satisfaction, you have the conversations with other men—some you know and maybe some you don't yet know. But wait...there's more! Expect to be challenged and encouraged by the teaching as we highlight the FOUR FIRES and dive into related areas of theology. Please click the button below to RSVP in order to ensure we're ready to feed you.
Thursday Morning Bible Study:
Current Study: Knowing Scripture
Thursdays at 6:00 am | Room 211
Rightly handle the word of truth. Know the truth and it will set you free. These are a couple of the imperatives concerning the Word of God, along with a promise. Christ also prayed for you, that you would be Sanctified by the truth of God’s Word.
So, how well do you know Scripture? Do you handle it well? Do you know it? Is it sanctifying you?
All men are invited to join us on Thursday mornings as we open the Word and learn practical ways in which we can obey and apply God’s commands.
Discipleship Groups (or D-Groups)
Varying days and times
Do you have a desire to grow in your knowledge of God, the Bible, or the Christian life? Would you like for this growth to occur in the context of a relationship with an older/more mature man (see below - Disciple-making Opportunity) and in a way that meets you right where you are?
Have you prayerfully considered Christ’s command to make disciples? As Mark Dever defines it in his little book, Discipling, this is simply “helping another person follow Jesus.” No matter where you are on your Christian walk, there is always a man behind you on that journey who can benefit from your wisdom and experience—even if you don’t think so!
Have questions? Contact us:
Gabe Moore
Men’s Ministry Director
Tim Bruns
Pastor of Adult and Care Ministries
815-459-1095 x329