The Coming Messiah

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Genesis 3
Series: Christmas Prophecies

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.



When did you first hear about Jesus & the Gospel?



  1. Read John 4:19-29. What kinds of expectations did this woman have for a coming Messiah?
  2. Read John 7:25-31, 40-43. Describe expectations people had for a coming Messiah? Where do you think these kinds of expectations came from?
  3. Read Luke 20:41-47. What was Jesus saying here? What was His point in quoting Psalm 110?
  4. Read Genesis 3:1-15. What were the main points of the sermon? How do we know who the Serpent is?
  5. Read Luke 24:36-49. Where is it written in the Old Testament that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead?
  6. Read Luke 24:18-27. Where did Moses and the prophets write about Jesus? References.
    • cf Acts 26:22-23. Where does the Old Testament mention that Messiah would suffer and rise again?
  7. Read Genesis 12:1-3. What is promised here?
    • Read Acts 3:24-26. Describe how Peter interprets Genesis 12:1-3 in relation to Jesus?
  8. Read Psalm 22. How is the Messiah depicted here? What is said about Him specifically?
  9. Read Psalm 110. (This is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament.) What does it say about the coming Messiah?
  10. Read Jeremiah 33:14-12. What does Jeremiah say here about the coming Messiah?
  11. Discuss: How clear were the prophecies about a coming Messiah? What kinds of details should have been known?



Take time to pray – out loud, together - for someone you are currently evangelizing.



Parents, we are pleased to include a family-oriented section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in your group and “bring it home” to your family.

  1. Today’s passage (Genesis 3:15) is the first hint of the gospel, the coming of His Son to be the Savior/Messiah. Read Genesis 12:1-3; Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2.
    What else do we learn of the coming Messiah?
    For the fulfillment of these prophecies, see Galatians 3:8; Matthew 1:23; 2:5-6.
  2. Read Isaiah 9:6-7. What names did Isaiah use to describe the child who would be born? Think of ways these names point to Jesus, how He demonstrated these titles while here on earth? 
Posted on November 29, 2015 and filed under Christmas Prophecies.

The Truth about Heaven and Hell

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Revelation 20 & 21
Series: Your Ever After

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


Did you grow up believing in a literal heaven and hell? How did it impact you?


  1. Read Matthew 5:21-22, 29-20, 10:26-28, 25:40-46.
    Why do you think Jesus spoke so often about hell?
  2. Read Revelation 20:10-15.
    What is being described here? What is the "lake of fire?" Is it eternal?
  3. Discuss: How can God be loving if there is an eternal hell?
  4. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10.
    How does Paul describe the final judgment and the final state of the wicked?
  5. Discuss: What should we be teaching our children and grandchildren about hell?
  6. Read Matthew 11:20-24.
    • Discuss: Will there be degrees of reward and punishment in heaven and hell? Why? Why not?
    • (cf Wayne Grudem; Systematic Theology; chapters 56 & 57)
  7. Read Revelation 21:1-18.
    How does John describe the "new earth?"  
  8. Read John 14:1-4.
    What is the “place” Jesus is preparing for us? Evidence?
  9. Discuss: What excites you the most about the new earth?
  10. Read Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6.
    Discuss: Is Jesus really the only path to eternal life?   
  11. Read 2 Peter 3:11-13.
    Discuss: How should the doctrine of last things impact us?


Discuss the statement by theologian Miroslav Volf:

 “God is not loving in spite of his wrath;  He is loving because of His wrath.”

Free of Charge (Zondervan)   

Posted on November 22, 2015 and filed under Your Ever After.

Multiplying Transformational Churches Among People

Speaker: Dr. Craig Ott
Series: Gospel to the Nations

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


When you hear the word “Mission” what comes to mind? How has the church typically defined “mission”?
Are you comfortable with that?

  1. What do you know of the regions of the world the EFCCL is involved in?
  2. Read Ruth’s story and talk about what it would be like to walk in her shoes and what impacts you from her life of service in missions.
  3. Reflect on Jesus’ “Great Commission” as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:1-8. How was God using these events to help the every believer understand Jesus’ commission? How does the fact that God says we will receive His power and go with you to accomplish this mandate affect you?
  4. Why should the church be involved in missions work? Use the Bible as you answer.
  5. Read John 15 , What can you take away about being a missionary form this passage?
  6. Read PSALM 67, How does this impact missions and your understanding of missions?
  7. Read Acts 17, What stands out to you from this passage? Why?


How does God want you to personally respond to missions weekend?

Do you believe that the call to spread the gospel is a calling for every Christian?
Defend your answer from Scripture. If you think it is, reflect on what that looks like in your life, and share with your group ways in which you can be more diligent in taking the gospel to the nations.

Spend time praying for your community group missionary.

Ruth Sundquist’s Life Story as a Missionary

Victor Sundquist, a farmer and his wife Ericka, a homemaker, were the parents of five children. Their fourth child, born in 1919, was Ruth. The family rarely went to church, never prayed or read the Bible, but Ruth believed they were Christians because they were "good people". Ruth's Mother was an unhappy woman. Saved as a child, she had turned away from the Lord and was remembered by Ruth as being angry and bitter. One day, when Ruth was 18 her older sister Margaret came home and told the family that she had become a Christian. Soon after, Ruth's mother announced that she had come back to the Lord and wanted to live for Jesus. Ruth witnessed such a complete change in her mother that she wrote, "I wanted her God to be my God". The family began attending the Swedish Mission Church in Crystal Lake (now the Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake-EFCCL) and Ruth's walk with Jesus began.

After graduating from high school in 1940, Ruth enrolled at the Moody Bible Institute to train to become a Sunday School teacher. She graduated in 1942 with a degree in Christian Education. While at Moody, Ruth was unsure of what her future plans might be but she knew she, "definitely did not want to become a missionary". As Ruth studied and spent more time in prayer she reached a point where she became determined to do whatever the Lord wanted. One morning in chapel, she suddenly heard a quiet voice saying, "Ruth, would you be willing to go to China to do orphanage work for Me?"

In 1942, WWII was raging and China was closed to missionaries as it was at war with Japan. So, Ruth went to Hazard, Kentucky to minister to the impoverished, setting up Sunday Schools and Bible classes in public schools. She was the first missionary sent out and supported by the EFCCL. Their prayer and financial support for her continued for the rest of her career. She remained in Kentucky until 1947.

In 1947, Ruth and three other Free Church missionaries set sail for China on a Norwegian freighter. Their first assignment was to take two years of language training in Canton. However, a year and a half later, they were evacuated to Hong Kong following the Communist takeover of Canton. Ruth worked in Hong Kong for the next three and a half years teaching the Bible to children in schools, camps and Sunday School. In 1952, Ruth returned to the States for deputation work. During a medical checkup it was discovered she was sick and she was strongly advised not return to Hong Kong. Ruth was stunned and dismayed by this turn of events. She began to pray and begged the Lord to heal her and allow her to do orphanage work as she had initially intended. The Lord did heal her and Ruth returned to the field in 1954.

In September 1954, when Ruth returned to Hong Kong, it was flooded with refugees who were living on sidewalks and in shacks, many of them orphans and unwanted children. Under the authority of the Evangelical Free Church of America, Ruth started the Evangel Children's Home in 1956, admitting children from the ages of two to five, then caring for them until they reached the age of eighteen. From the start, the goal was for the Home to be a "real home" and not an institution. Children were treated as individuals and they were taught about and shown the love of Jesus. Ruth stated, "We knew that the most important and enduring thing that we could give these children was an opportunity to have eternal life through the Lord Jesus. We could only help them a few short years but He would be their strength and guide all through their lives." Ruth continued to serve as Superintendent of the Evangel Children's Home until she retired in 1984 and left Hong Kong.

Orphaned Kids – An example of a life changed
September 1969 edition, Evangel Events: This paragraph reflects Ruth's love for the children and her desire to see them know God:

"We are so grateful to the Lord for His love and watch care over our large family day by day. Pray that we may know how to so teach the children that there may be instilled in their hearts a deep love and gratitude to the Lord for all his blessings and daily provision for our many needs."

Article from the EFCA Beacon, written by Ruth Sundquist, concerning David Chan. David came to the Evangel Children's Home in 1956 when he was two years old. In September of 1984, he became the Home's Director.

"There is a thrilling "secret" to this success story which I have not yet mentioned. A ladies' Sunday School class in the Crystal Lake, Illinois Evangelical Free Church took on the prayer and financial support of that two year old child 28 years earlier and prayed faithfully for him down through the years!"

To this day, The Evangel Children's Home is still in the business of ministering to the youth of Hong Kong. 

Posted on November 15, 2015 .

The Bible and Reincarnation

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Romans 3, 5, & John 5
Series: Your Ever After

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


  • Why do you think reincarnation is so popular with so many Americans – even Christians? 


  1. What is the purpose of reincarnation according to those who believe in it?
         How does it address the sin problem? How do grace & karma differ?

  2. Read Romans 5:1-11 / How does Paul describe the atonement here?
         How is it the final solution for sin? How does it refute reincarnation?
  3. Read Hebrews 2:17; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 2:1-2, 4:10
         • What are the benefits of Jesus’ death described in these passages?
         • What is “propitiation”? (cf Grudem’s Systematic Theology – Zondervan - chapter 27)
         • How does the death of Christ bring us to God?
         • Does the death of Jesus automatically reconcile everyone with God? Why? Why not?
         • What must a person do (specifically) to be saved?
  4. Read John 5:28-30 & 1 Corinthians 15:35-44
         Resurrection of the body or reincarnation? Discuss.
  5. Is the next life physical? Why? Why not? What will the New Earth be like?
  6. How does Jesus’ resurrection contradict reincarnation? Discuss.
  7. Read John 19:30 – discuss what this verse means in context.
         How does this answer reincarnation?
  8. What are some other theories of the atonement of Christ? 
         (cf Grudem’s Systematic Theology – Zondervan - Chapter 27)
  9. Read Romans 3:25-26
         How does the death of Jesus satisfy the justice of God against sin?
  10. Read Romans 8:1 & Hebrew 9:27-28 - How do these verses refute reincarnation? Discuss


How should the doctrine of the atonement affect our daily Christian lives?


Parents, we are pleased to include a “Family Focus” section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in community and “bring it home” to your family. 


  1. Read 2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 20:11-15. 
         What information do these verses contribute to the coming judgment?
  2. Christians do not face the coming wrath of God (1 Thessalonians 1:10). 
         Are there rewards for followers of Christ?
         (Look at 1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12)
Posted on November 8, 2015 and filed under Your Ever After.

The Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Matthew 24 & 25
Series: Your Ever After

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


Did you grow up believing in the 2nd coming of Christ?


  1. Read Matthew 24:1-3; where were Jesus and His disciples? Why would they ask Jesus this?
  2. Read Matthew 24:4-25
    Discuss and describe the sequence of events Jesus describes here
    Is this describing ONLY the events of AD70 or also the distant future? Why?
    What is the order of events: Tribulation and 2nd Coming or Second Coming and Tribulation?
  3. Read Matthew 24:36-44
    Are the ones who are ‘taken’ in vs 40-41 – taken in safety or taken in judgment? Why?
    Who is “left behind?” (vs 40-41)
    So…will true believers be taken or left behind in this analogy?
  4. Read Matthew 25:31-46
    What is this event? Why is the idea of a final judgment so disliked?
    How are Matthew’s words rooted in Isaiah 58? Read and discuss
    When does this judgment occur?
    What is the criterion for those who are lost and for those who are saved?
    How does this line up with Justification by Faith Alone? Discuss
    Can someone be truly saved and have no fruit in their lives? Discuss
  5. Read 2 Peter 3:10-18
    In light of Christ’s 2nd Coming – how are we to live? Be specific
    How can we focus more on His return to help us pursue holiness? Practically?
  6. Read Revelation 21:1-5 in two different translations
    Discuss John’s vision of the New Jerusalem
    What excites you most about the New Earth? Get specific….


How can we help our children and grandchildren better grasp the 2nd Coming and what it calls for?


Parents, we are pleased to include a “Family Focus” section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in community and “bring it home” to your family.

  1. Read 2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 20:11-15.
    What information do these verses contribute to the coming judgment?|
  2. Christians do not face the coming wrath of God (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
    Are there rewards for followers of Christ?

    Look at: 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
    2 Timothy 4:8
    James 1:12
Posted on November 1, 2015 and filed under Your Ever After.

What Happens One Minute after We Die?

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Series: Your Ever After

Sermon Notes

1. Popular Views of the Afterlife 

2. What Jesus teaches about the Afterlife

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


  1. What scares you the most about death? / What excites you the most about dying?


  1. Read Hebrews 9:27 & Matthew 25:31-46; what do we learn about final judgment in these passages?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28; what did Jesus’ death and resurrection accomplish? How?
  3. What are several popular views of the afterlife in our culture? Discuss and critique them biblically.
  4. Read Revelation 21:1-14; describe the New Earth – be specific. What happens to the unsaved?
  5. Read Luke 16:19-31; recap the main things Jesus teaches In Luke 16 about the afterlife.
  6. Read Matthew 7:13-14 and John 14:6; discuss: Is Jesus really the ONLY path to eternal life?  Does this make Jesus narrow minded? Why? Why not?  How would you answer a friend who felt this was not loving, but hostile to other religions?  How wrong can we be theologically and still be saved?
  7. Read Revelation 14:9-11; how long will the torments of Hell last? Is God still loving? Discuss
  8. Read John 14:1-4 and Revelation 21:1; will the New Earth be physical? Discuss what this means.
  9. Discuss: In what ways is this study making you more excited about the afterlife? Has a desire for the afterlife been something you’ve thought about much before? Why? Why not?


Who can summarize the Gospel is 30 words or less? Summarize the plan of salvation in 30 words or less.


Parents, we are pleased to include a “Family Focus” section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in community and “bring it home” to your family.

  1. Death is a mystery but there are some things we can know, based on what the Bible says.
    Read and discuss the following verses:
              Luke 23:42-43
              John 10:27-29, 14:1-6
              2 Corinthians 5:1, 5, 8
              Philippians 1:6, 21-23
    Remember that these and other promises are for those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Death is also filled with emotions, some very painful and confusing.
    Read the following promises from God:
              Psalm 23:1-6; 68:4-6a, 19-20; 121:1-8
              2 Corinthians 1:3-4
              Hebrews 4:14-16
    Consider memorizing a few of these promises.
  3. Death is not an easy subject to discuss with children.
    Here are some recommended resources:
              • Heaven For Kids by Randy Alcorn
              • Comforting Children In Crisis by Group Publishing
Posted on October 25, 2015 and filed under Your Ever After.

The Life of the Disciple-Making Family

Sermon audio file is currently unavailable.
Please check back soon.

Speaker: Pastor Ron Kirkeeng
Scripture:  Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Series: —

Sermon Notes

  1. Disciple-making Families

  2. Sending Families

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.

What kinds of things- positive or negative- did you learn from your family as you grew up?
What family traditions do you desire to pass on to your kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews?


  1. How would you describe your walk with God these days? How are you building a relationship with God that resembles Deuteronomy 6:5?
  2.  Read Deuteronomy 6:1-4. How was the instruction for future generations in Israel carried out? Was it formal or informal? What does this tell us about disciple making in our context if we truly intend to model a gospel infused lifestyle?
  3. How is Proverbs 22:6 important to you as a parent or as you come alongside a parent?
  4. Read Deuteronomy 6:6-7. What is the primary context for discipling? How can we practice this personally, in our families, community groups and beyond?
  5. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:8-9. What does it look like to share life with someone who is young in their life with Jesus?
  6. Read Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. These verses call us to be gospel minded disciple makers. If you look at your life intently right now, what’s going well? What needs to be shaken up or shaken out so that you can live from this new/renewed perspective? How do you feel about it all?
  7. Where do you and your family feel sent to be disciple-makers?
Posted on October 18, 2015 .