What Happens One Minute after We Die?

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Luke 16:19-31
Series: Your Ever After

Sermon Notes

1. Popular Views of the Afterlife 

2. What Jesus teaches about the Afterlife

Discussion Questions

Download the discussion questions as a printable PDF file.


  1. What scares you the most about death? / What excites you the most about dying?


  1. Read Hebrews 9:27 & Matthew 25:31-46; what do we learn about final judgment in these passages?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-28; what did Jesus’ death and resurrection accomplish? How?
  3. What are several popular views of the afterlife in our culture? Discuss and critique them biblically.
  4. Read Revelation 21:1-14; describe the New Earth – be specific. What happens to the unsaved?
  5. Read Luke 16:19-31; recap the main things Jesus teaches In Luke 16 about the afterlife.
  6. Read Matthew 7:13-14 and John 14:6; discuss: Is Jesus really the ONLY path to eternal life?  Does this make Jesus narrow minded? Why? Why not?  How would you answer a friend who felt this was not loving, but hostile to other religions?  How wrong can we be theologically and still be saved?
  7. Read Revelation 14:9-11; how long will the torments of Hell last? Is God still loving? Discuss
  8. Read John 14:1-4 and Revelation 21:1; will the New Earth be physical? Discuss what this means.
  9. Discuss: In what ways is this study making you more excited about the afterlife? Has a desire for the afterlife been something you’ve thought about much before? Why? Why not?


Who can summarize the Gospel is 30 words or less? Summarize the plan of salvation in 30 words or less.


Parents, we are pleased to include a “Family Focus” section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in community and “bring it home” to your family.

  1. Death is a mystery but there are some things we can know, based on what the Bible says.
    Read and discuss the following verses:
              Luke 23:42-43
              John 10:27-29, 14:1-6
              2 Corinthians 5:1, 5, 8
              Philippians 1:6, 21-23
    Remember that these and other promises are for those who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Death is also filled with emotions, some very painful and confusing.
    Read the following promises from God:
              Psalm 23:1-6; 68:4-6a, 19-20; 121:1-8
              2 Corinthians 1:3-4
              Hebrews 4:14-16
    Consider memorizing a few of these promises.
  3. Death is not an easy subject to discuss with children.
    Here are some recommended resources:
              • Heaven For Kids by Randy Alcorn
              • Comforting Children In Crisis by Group Publishing
Posted on October 25, 2015 and filed under Your Ever After.