Disciples and the End Times

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Matthew 24-25
Series: Discipleship: The Jesus Way

  1. The Prediction (24:1-2)
  2. The Explanation (24:3-25:30)
  3. The Final Judgment (25:31-46)
Posted on November 10, 2013 and filed under Discipleship.

A Call to Authentic Community

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Matthew 18
Series: Discipleship: The Jesus Way

  1. A Call to Humility (vv. 1-14) 
  2. A Call to Honesty (vv. 15-20) 
  3. A Call to Forgive (vv. 21-31) 
Posted on November 3, 2013 and filed under Discipleship.

No Fear of Rejection

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Hebrews 10
Series: Discipleship: The Jesus Way

  1. We have a great sin problem.
  2. We have a great Savior.
Posted on October 27, 2013 and filed under Discipleship.

Sent into Hostile Territory

Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Matthew 10
Series: Discipleship: The Jesus Way

  1. Disciples should expect to be mistreated (vv. 1-25).
  2. Disciples should not fear being mistreated (vv. 26-42).
Posted on October 13, 2013 and filed under Discipleship.

COME: Drink the Water of Life

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Revelation 22:12-17
Series: COME

One of the traits I find most attractive about the God of Scripture is that, although He's all-powerful, He doesn't force His will on us. Instead, He invites us to come to Him and then patiently waits . . .

  1. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," is an invitation to personally experience Jesus.
  2. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," is an urgent invitation.
  3. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," must not be taken lightly.
  4. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," is an invitation to a celebration already paid for.
  5. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," is an invitation to have your deepest thirst quenched.
  6. The invitation to "Come, drink the water of life," is to be extended by the Church until Jesus returns.

May all who come behind us find us faithful!

Posted on September 29, 2013 and filed under COME.

COME: Let Us Return to the Lord

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Hosea 6:1-6
Series: COME

As one reads through the Old Testament, it quickly becomes apparent that God is almost constantly extending an invitation to His people to "return" to Him. That His people need this invitation over and over again speaks of their fickleness. That He extends it again and again speaks of His steadfast love.

  1. The invitation to "Come, return to the Lord," is extended to God's people during seasons of unfaithfulness (see chapter 5).
  2. The invitation to "Come, return to the Lord," carries with it the promise that it is not too late to experience His mercy (vv. 2-3).
  3. The invitation to "Come, return to the Lord," is an invitation to revival/restoration (v. 2).
    1. National revival
    2. Church revival
    3. Personal revival
  4. The invitation to "Come, return to the Lord," requires that we forsake everything else and pursue Him (vv. 3a, 4-5).
  5. A genuine response to the invitation to "Come, return to the Lord," will show itself in:
    1. Right relationships with others (v. 6).
    2. A constant pursuit of God's will (v. 6).


Posted on September 22, 2013 and filed under COME.

COME: Find Rest!

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Matthew 11:25-30
Series: COME

Stress, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, a weariness that eats away at the soul—these are common complaints from a generation that has been taught to find its value and worth in the amount of its productivity.

  1. Jesus’ invitation to “Come, find rest,” is intended for those:
    1. Trying to carry burdens God never intended them to carry.
    2. Trying to carry legitimate burdens in their own strength.
  2. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” is extended to:
    1. The weary—those who see life as a struggle (v. 28).
    2. The burdened—those who are burdened down by the stuff others have piled on their backs (v. 28).
    3. The childlike—those who humbly seek God's enabling grace (v. 26).
  3. Jesus’ invitation to “Come, find rest,” is an invitation to yoke yourself to Him (v. 29).
  4. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” by yoking yourself to Him is an invitation to:
    1. Learn the disciplines of rest from Him (v. 29, see also v. 27).
    2. Labor alongside One who is gentle and humble (v. 29).
    3. Lean into the yoke He has fashioned for you (v. 30).
  5. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” is an invitation not to inactivity or ease but to a refreshing of one's soul (v. 29).

Personal application: Lord, I’ve grown weary under the weight of this world’s burdens. I am in desperate need of Your refreshing. Today, by faith, I lay down the cares that threaten to crush me and gladly place my shoulder under the yoke you have fashioned for me. Grant me the soul-rest that You alone can give. Amen.

Posted on September 15, 2013 and filed under COME.

COME: Come and See

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: John 1:35-51
Series: COME

What makes a "great invitation" great?

  1. The nature of the invitation is to "come and see":
    1. It's an invitation to the true seeker (vv. 35-37).
    2. It's an invitation to honest inquiry (vv. 46-47).
    3. It's the invitation of one who can bear close scrutiny (v. 39).
  2. The results of accepting this invitation:
    1. If we come, we risk being convinced (vv. 41, 45).
    2. If we come, we must be ready for intimacy.
    3. If we come to Him, we risk self-disclosure (vv. 42, 47).
    4. If we come to Him, we must be ready for more than we dreamed of (vv. 38-41, 46-49).
  3. The rewards that await those who say "yes" to Jesus' invitation:
    1. The results we fear are the very rewards that we will receive.
    2. Something we can be certain of.
    3. Someone who truly loves us.
    4. Someone who knows and understands us.
    5. Something bigger than we've even dreamed of.

Personal application: A "great invitation" calls for a thoughtful response.

Posted on September 8, 2013 and filed under COME.