COME: Find Rest!

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Matthew 11:25-30
Series: COME

Stress, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, a weariness that eats away at the soul—these are common complaints from a generation that has been taught to find its value and worth in the amount of its productivity.

  1. Jesus’ invitation to “Come, find rest,” is intended for those:
    1. Trying to carry burdens God never intended them to carry.
    2. Trying to carry legitimate burdens in their own strength.
  2. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” is extended to:
    1. The weary—those who see life as a struggle (v. 28).
    2. The burdened—those who are burdened down by the stuff others have piled on their backs (v. 28).
    3. The childlike—those who humbly seek God's enabling grace (v. 26).
  3. Jesus’ invitation to “Come, find rest,” is an invitation to yoke yourself to Him (v. 29).
  4. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” by yoking yourself to Him is an invitation to:
    1. Learn the disciplines of rest from Him (v. 29, see also v. 27).
    2. Labor alongside One who is gentle and humble (v. 29).
    3. Lean into the yoke He has fashioned for you (v. 30).
  5. His invitation to “Come, find rest,” is an invitation not to inactivity or ease but to a refreshing of one's soul (v. 29).

Personal application: Lord, I’ve grown weary under the weight of this world’s burdens. I am in desperate need of Your refreshing. Today, by faith, I lay down the cares that threaten to crush me and gladly place my shoulder under the yoke you have fashioned for me. Grant me the soul-rest that You alone can give. Amen.

Posted on September 15, 2013 and filed under COME.