The Irreducible Duties of Various Groups within the Church

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Titus 2:1-10
Series: The Irreducible Gospel


As we look about the church, we can see not only individuals but also various groups. Each of these groups must be taught to observe their God-given duties.

  1. Within every local church, one may observe various groups of believers who are gathered around one or more common denominators:
    1. Age and/or gender (vv. 2-6)
    2. Social or cultural factors (v. 9)
    3. Special needs or interests (1 Timothy 5:3ff)
  2. Each of these groups must be taught to understand its special duties in the life of the church:
    1. Older men: maturity and practical godliness
    2. Older women: reverent, training the younger women
    3. Younger women: “home lovers”
    4. Younger men: self-mastery
    5. Slaves: subject to their masters in everything
  3. When each group is fulfilling its God-given duties, the result will be transformational:
    1. In the church
    2. In the home
    3. And in the watching community
  4. Both the motive and the enabling for such godly behavior has been provided by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ:
    1. His grace teaches us how to live (v. 11).
    2. His grace redeems us from slavery to sin (v. 14).
    3. His grace purifies us (v. 14).
    4. His grace motivates us to do His good will (vv. 13-14).

Personal application: Where did you find yourself in today’s message? What special duties are yours as a result of the group(s) that you are part of? Are you seeking and finding God’s grace in Christ to sustain you in your daily walk?

Posted on August 4, 2013 and filed under The Irreducible Gospel.