The Church’s Irreducible Pattern of Behavior towards the World

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Titus 3:1-2
Series: The Irreducible Gospel

Among the frequent reminders found in the letters to the churches is a call to behave in a Christlike manner toward unbelievers.

  1. Who we were before Christ (v. 3):
    1. Foolish
    2. Disobedient
    3. Deceived
    4. Enslaved
    5. Living in malice and envy
    6. Hated and hating
  2. What He did to transform us (v. 5):
    1. He saved us!
  3. How we are to behave in our relationships with the world (vv. 2-7):
    1. We are to be subject to rulers and authorities.
    2. We are to be ready to do whatever is good.
    3. We are to refrain from striking out against unbelievers.
    4. We are to be considerate of others.
    5. We are to demonstrate humility in our dealings with unbelievers.

Personal application: Where does my life fail to measure up to the pattern of behavior taught here in Titus 3:1-2? How can I access the transforming grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in this area of my life?

Posted on August 11, 2013 and filed under The Irreducible Gospel.