Following Jesus: Who Will Be Ready to Meet God?

Following Jesus: Who Will Be Ready to Meet God?

Pastor Jay Childs (Matthew 24 & 25)

  1. The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (24:1-35)

  2. The Second Coming of Christ (24:36-25:30)

  3. The Final Judgement (25:31-46))

Posted on May 15, 2022 .

Following Jesus: Who is the Real Thing?

Following Jesus: Who is the Real Thing?

Pastor Jay Childs (Matthew 13:1-23)

  1. The Parable About a Farmer (vs 1-9)

  2. The Purpose of Parables (vs 10-17)

  3. The Parable Explained (vs 18-23)

Posted on May 1, 2022 .

The Cross and Salvation

The Cross and Salvation

Pastor Jay Childs (Romans 5:1-11)

  1. PEACE  (vs 1)

  2. ACCESS  (vs 2a)

  3. HOPE  (vs 2b-5)

  4. LOVE   (vs 6-9)

  5. RECONCILIATION  (vs 10-11)

Posted on April 24, 2022 .

Easter Sunday: The Gospel According to Isaiah

Easter Sunday: The Gospel According to Isaiah

Pastor Jay Childs (Isaiah 53)

  1. The Promise of a Savior (vs 1-3)

  2. The Suffering of the Savior (vs 4-11)

  3. The Victory of the Savior (vs 11-12)

Posted on April 17, 2022 .

Following Jesus: Who Said Following Jesus Was Safe?

Following Jesus: Who Said Following Jesus Was Safe?

Pastor Jay Childs (Matthew 10)

  1. Jesus Chooses and Sends His Disciples (vs 1-15)

  2. Jesus Adjusts Their Expectations (vs 16-25)

  3. Jesus Reminds Them Not To Fear (vs 26-42)

Posted on April 10, 2022 .

Advice From a Disappointed Hedonist

Ecclesiastes: Finding Life’s Purpose | Advice From a Disappointed Hedonist
Pastor Jay Childs
(Ecclesiastes 11 & 12)

  1. Remember the Mysterious Ways of God (11:1-6)

  2. Remember that God Commands Joy and Delight (11:7-10)

  3. Remember that Judgement Day is Coming (11:9; 12:14)

  4. Remember to Order Your Priorities Early (12:1-8)

  5. Remember to Fear God (12:9-14)

Posted on March 20, 2022 .

Who is the Fool?

Ecclesiastes: Finding Life’s Purpose | Who is the Fool?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Ecclesiastes 10)

  1. The Way of the Fool (vs 1-3)

  2. Examples of the Fool (vs 4-20)

Posted on March 13, 2022 .