The Journal of A Desperate Man

Ecclesiastes: Finding Life’s Purpose | The Journal of A Desperate Man
Pastor Jay Childs
(an overview of Ecclesiastes)

  1. Who Wrote Ecclesiastes

  2. Why Study Ecclesiastes

  3. Lessons from Ecclesiastes

Posted on January 16, 2022 .

The Story of the Bible

The Story of the Bible
Pastor Jay Childs

  1. The Introduction to the Story

  2. The Main Plot of the Story

  3. The Conclusion of the Story

Posted on January 2, 2022 .

God's Word as Top Priority

God's Word as Top Priority
Pastor Jay Childs (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

  1. The Origin of God’s Word

  2. The Power of God’s Word

Posted on December 26, 2021 .

A Celebration of the King

A Celebration of the King
Pastory Jay Childs (Psalm 45)

  1. The Splendor of the King

  2. The Identity of the King

Posted on December 19, 2021 .

A Messiah No One Expected

A Messiah No One Expected
Pastor Jay Childs (The Gospel of Matthew)

1. His Unexpected Family Tree
2. His Unexpected Parents
3. His Unexpected Birth
4. His Unexpected Disciples
5. His Unexpected Mission

Posted on December 12, 2021 .

Lord, Make My Life Count

Lord, Make My Life Count: Characteristics of One Who Wants His Life to Count for God

Marty Voltz (1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:6-10)

1. He is eager for opportunities to serve.
2. He is committed to heaven’s priorities
3. He sees his life in terms of calling — not security
4. He embraces a life of servanthood
5. He is ambitious for God and His Kingdom

Posted on December 5, 2021 .

Living and Loving Like a Levite

Lessons Learned on a Staycation: Living and Loving Like a Levite
Marty Voltz (Exodus 32:25-29)

1. One must identify openly with God and His cause.
2. One must have but one master and one lover.
3. One must be ready and willing to perform a personally distasteful task should God call them to do so.
4. One must consecrate himself fully to the Lord’s service.
5. One must consider himself “blessed” to do the Lord’s bidding no matter how difficult or humble.

Posted on November 28, 2021 .

Intercessory Prayer for Those Under Our Care

Lessons Learned on a Staycation: Intercessory Prayer for Those Under Our Care
Marty Voltz (Exodus 32:11-14, 30-34)

1. Intercessory Prayer is a Sustained Appeal for God’s Favor on Behalf of Those We Care About
2. Intercessory Prayer is a Ministry of Those Who Have Cultivated a Life of Prayer
3. Intercessory Prayer Is Selfless (Even Sacrficial)
4. Intercessory Prayer Has Its Dual Focus: a) The Glory of God, b) The Good of His People
5. Intercessory Prayer Appeals to God’s Mercy
6. Intercessory Prayer Touches the Heart and Hand of a Compassionate God

Posted on November 21, 2021 .

God’s Response to the Sins of His People

Lessons Learned on a Staycation: God’s Response to the Sins of His People
Marty Voltz (Exodus 32:7-10, Deuteronomy 9:7-10)

1. Rediscovering the Anger of God as Revealed in Holy Scripture
2. Defining the Anger (Wrath) of God
3. The Revelation of God’s Wrath
4. Teaching God’s Anger Against Sin to the Next Generation
5. ATONEMENT - God’s Deliverance from His Wrath

Posted on November 14, 2021 .