True vs Counterfeit Faith

James: A Faith That Works | True vs Counterfeit Faith
Pastor Jay Childs
(James 2:14-26)

1. Dead Faith (vs 14-17)
2. Demonic Faith (vs 18-19)
3. Dynamic Faith (vs 20-26)

Posted on March 8, 2020 .

Pride and Prejudice

James: A Faith That Works | Pride and Prejudice
Pastor Jay Childs
(James 2:1-13)

1. The Reality of Favoritism (vs 1)
2. The Illustration of Favoritism (vs 2-4)
3. The Condemnation of Favoritism (vs 5-13)

Posted on March 1, 2020 .

The Danger of Going to Church

James: A Faith That Works | The Danger of Going to Church
Pastor Jay Childs
(James 1:19-27)

  1. We Must Receive God’s Word (vs 19-21)

  2. We Must Obey God’s Word (vs 22-27)

Posted on February 23, 2020 .

The Anatomy of Temptation

James: A Faith That Works | The Anatomy of Temptation
Pastor Jay Childs
(James 1:13-18)

  1. The Reality of Temptation (vs 13)

  2. The Pattern of Temptation (vs 14-15)

  3. How to Conquer Temptation (vs 16-18)

Posted on February 16, 2020 .

How To Grow in Tough Times

James: A Faith That Works | How To Grow in Tough Times
Pastor Jay Childs
(James 1:1-12)

  1. Affirming God’s Role in Tough Times (vs 1-4)

  2. Trusting God in Tough Times (vs 5-12)

Posted on February 11, 2020 .

Three Crosses…Three Agendas

The Cross of Christ: Three Crosses…Three Agendas
Pastor Jay Childs
(Luke 23:26-49)

  1. One Died For Sin

  2. One Died In Sin

  3. One Died To Sin

Posted on February 2, 2020 .

The Cross and the Love of God

The Cross of Christ: The Cross and the Love of God
Pastor Jay Childs
(Romans 5:6-21)

  1. The Motivation of the Cross (vs 6-11)

  2. The Power of the Cross (vs 12-21)

Posted on January 26, 2020 .

Jesus Our Passover Lamb

The Cross of Christ: Jesus Our Passover Lamb
Pastor Jay Childs
(Exodus 12)

  1. Remember the Need for a Substitute

  2. Remember God’s Deliverance

Posted on January 19, 2020 .

Who Killed Jesus?

The Cross of Christ: Who Killed Jesus?
Pastor Jay Childs
(Isaiah 53:10)

1. The Father’s Role in Killing His Son
2. The Father’s Purpose in Killing His Son

Posted on January 12, 2020 .

The Need for Blood Atonement

The Cross of Christ: The Need for Blood Atonement
Pastor Jay Childs
(Hebrews 10:1-14)

1. Insufficient Sacrifices for Sin
2. The Final Sacrifice for Sin

Posted on January 5, 2020 .