Prayer and Fasting

How Should We Then Live? Back to the Basics: Prayer and Fasting
Pastor Jay Childs
(Matthew 6:5-18)

  1. The Call to Pray (vs 5-15)

  2. The Call to Fast (vs 16-18)

Posted on September 1, 2019 .

Eat This Book

How Should We Then Live? Back to the Basics - Eat This Book
Pastor Jay Childs
(1 Peter 1:23-2:3)

1. The Power of God's Word (vs 1:23-25)
2. Our Response to God's Word (vs 2:1-3)

Posted on August 25, 2019 .

The Summons to Be Immersed in Water

How Should We Then Live? Back to the Basics - The Summons to Be Immersed in Water
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 2:36-41)

1. The Call to Immersion
2. The Timing of Immersion

Posted on August 18, 2019 .

How to Be Saved and Know God

How Should We Then Live? Back to the Basics - How to Be Saved and Know God
Pastor Jay Childs
(Romans 3:9-26)

1. All Have Sinned and Need Salvation
2. We Cannot Earn Our Salvation
3. Salvation Comes Only by Faith Alone in Jesus
4. Jesus Died to Pay the Penalty for Sin

Posted on August 11, 2019 .

Finishing Well

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Finishing Well
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 27-28)

  1. Trusting in God’s Providence Over Circumstances

  2. Trusting in God’s Power to Be Courageous

Posted on August 4, 2019 .

Faithful Under Fire

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Faithful Under Fire
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 24-26)

  1. Paul Before Felix (Acts 24)

  2. Paul Before Festus (Acts 25:1-21)

  3. Paul Before Agrippa (Acts 25:22-26:32)

Posted on July 28, 2019 .

Finding Forgiveness with God

Finding Forgiveness with God
Pastor Jay Childs
(Psalm 51)

1. Wash Me (vs 1-7)
2. Renew Me (vs 8-12)
3. Restore Me (vs 13-19)

Posted on July 21, 2019 .

How to Choose Your Identity

How to Choose Your Identity
Dr. D.A. Carson
(Colossians 3:1-17)

  1. Live in the Right Place

  2. Wear the Right Clothes

  3. Sing the Right Song

Posted on July 7, 2019 .

Gospel Courage to Face Opposition

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Gospel Courage to Face Opposition
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 23)

  1. Courage to Face Hostility (vs 1-11)

  2. Courage Rooted in God's Providence (vs 12-35)

Posted on June 30, 2019 .