Gospel Courage and Perseverance

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Gospel Courage and Perseverance
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 14)

  1. Boldness in Iconium (vs 1-7)

  2. Boldness in Lystra and Derbe (vs 8-20)

  3. Boldness on Return Trips (vs 21-24)

Posted on April 14, 2019 .

Open Doors for the Gospel

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Open Doors for the Gospel
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 13)

  1. Open Doors on Cyprus (vs 13:1-12)

  2. Open Doors in Turkey (vs 13:13-52)

Posted on April 7, 2019 .

God Tests Abraham

God Tests Abraham
Jon Rees
(Genesis 22:1-19)

  1. The Testing (vs 1-2)

  2. The Response (vs 3-10)

  3. The Provision (vs 11 - 14)

  4. The Promise (vs 15-19)

Posted on March 31, 2019 .

We Are Children of God

We are Children of God
Cal Hiebert
(1 John 3:1-3)

  1. God has Lavished His Love on Us

  2. We are Children of God

  3. The Present and Future of the Child of God

Posted on March 24, 2019 .

Prayer and Power

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Prayer and Power
March 17, 2019 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 12)

  1. Increasing Hostility (vs 1-4)

  2. Increasing Prayer (vs 5)

  3. Increasing Power (vs 6-25)

Posted on March 17, 2019 .

The Fire Spreads

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - The Fire Spreads
March 10, 2019 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 10-11)

  1. The Gospel Spreads to Caesarea (10:1-11:18)

  2. The Gospel Spreads Even Further (11:19-30)

Posted on March 10, 2019 .

The Power of God on Display

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - The Power of God on Display
March 3, 2019 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 9)

  1. The Power of God on Display in Paul

  2. The Power of God on Display in Peter

Posted on March 3, 2019 .

A Barrier Busting Gospel

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - A Barrier Busting Gospel
February 24, 2019 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 8)

  1. The Persecution Principle (vs 1-4)

  2. The Gospel Expands (vs 5-40)

Posted on February 24, 2019 .

Boldness and Bloodshed

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - Boldness and Bloodshed
February 17, 2019 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Acts 6-7)

  1. Stephen’s Selection (6:1-7)

  2. Stephen’s Arrest (6:8-15)

  3. Stephen’s Speech (7:1-53)

  4. Stephen’s Martyrdom (7:53-30)

Posted on February 17, 2019 .

The Sovereign Lord

Acts: The Gospel Unleashed - The Sovereign Lord
February 10, 2019 @ EFCCL
Ben Childs
(Acts 4:24-30)

  1. Invocation

  2. Quotation

  3. Application

  4. Supplication

  5. God is in Control

Posted on February 14, 2019 .