July 2, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
(Proverbs 14:12)
Counterfeit gods in American culture.
Life in Christ
June 25, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
1 John - an overview
1. Fast Facts About 1 John
2. How to Find Assurance of Salvation
The Truthfulness of Scripture
June 18, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Chids
Psalm 19:7-9
1. Perfect (vs 7)
2. Trustworthy (vs 7)
3. Right (vs 8)
4. Radiant (vs 8)
5. Sure (vs 9)
6. Righteous (vs 9)
The Call for Authoritative Preaching
June 11, 2017
Pastor Ron Kirkeeng
(Titus 2:15)
- Three Elements of Authoritative Preaching
• Content
• Method
• Extent - Reproving Four Forms of False Authority
• Personal Authority
• Church Authority
• Rational Authority
• Experiential Authority
What Did Jesus Think About the Bible?
June 4, 2017 @ EFCCL
Matthew 5:17-19
Pastor Jay Childs
- Jesus Claims the Scriptures Lead to Him (vs 17)
- Jesus Claims the Scriptures are Infallible (vs 18)
- Jesus Claims the Scriptures are to be Obeyed (vs 19)
Hungering for God's Word
May 28, 2017 @ EFCCL
Hungering for God's Word (1 Peter 1:22-2:3)
Pastor Jay Childs
- The Enduring Word of God
- Craving the Word of God
Preach the Word!
May 21, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
2 Timothy 4:1-5
1. The Mandate to Preach
2. The Message to Preach
The Power of God's Word
May 14, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Jeremiah 23:9-32
1. God Has Spoken in Words
2. God's Word is Like a Fire and a Hammer
Is the New Testament Really Credible?
May 7, 2017 @ EFCCL
Ben Childs | 2 Corinthians 3:6-14
1. Why do we have a New Testament
2. Why do the books in the New Testament qualify as Scripture?
3. When were the books in the New Testament first viewed as Scripture?
4. Do we have the right books in the New Testament?
The Inspiration of the Bible
April 30, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
2 Timothy 3:16
1. The Inspiration of Scripture
2. The Sufficiency of Scripture