The Reformation for Transformation

The Reformation for Transformation

March 5, 2017 @ EFCCL
Dr. Marty Crain
Ephesians 2:1-10

1. Christ Alone
2. Grace Alone
3. Faith Alone


Posted on March 5, 2017 .

There is a Story Behind My Worship

There is a Story Behind My Worship

February 26, 2017 @ EFCCL
Roy Patterson
John 11 & 12:1-6

1. Want
2. Wait
3. Weeping
4. Wonder
5. Worship
6. Warfare


Posted on February 26, 2017 .

God Finished His Work and Rested

February 19, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Genesis 2:1-3

1. God Finished His Work and Rested
2. God Blessed the Seventh Day and Made it Holy


Posted on February 19, 2017 .

No Adam - No Gospel!

February 5, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Genesis 2-3 / Romans 5

1. What Adam Did
2. What Jesus Did

Posted on February 5, 2017 .

Clearing Up Human Confusion

January 29, 2017 @ EFCCL
(Genesis 1:26-27)
Pastor Jay Childs

  1. Created in God's Image
  2. Created to Rule Over The Animal Kingdom
  3. Created Male and Female
Posted on January 29, 2017 .

Genesis and The Big Bang

January 22, 2017 @EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Genesis 1

1. God is Personal and Really Exists
2. God is All Powerful
3. God and Humans are Distinct From One Another
4. God is Mysterious But Knowable

Posted on January 22, 2017 .

Are The Early Chapters of Genesis Real History?

January 15, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Genesis Overview

•Nothing in Genesis Indicates it is Legend or Myth
•The Old Testament Accepts Genesis as Real History
•Jesus and Paul Accepted Genesis as Real History

Posted on January 15, 2017 .

The Call of the Cross

January 1, 2017 @ EFCCL
Pastor Jay Childs
Philippians 2:1-11

The Call of the Cross
(Seeking Jesus)
Humility and Obedience

Posted on January 3, 2017 .