Posts tagged #Dennis Magary

Is Trust Beyond Hope?

Speaker: Dr. Dennis Magary
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Sermon Notes

  1. Only the one who trusts in the Lord will know how to respond when crises arise (vv. 1-4).
  2. Only the one who trusts in the Lord will know that it is God's ways alone that are sure and reliable (vv. 5-12).
    1. God is incomparably powerful (v. 6).
    2. God is characteristically gracious and merciful (v. 7).
    3. God’s name is at stake in all that He does (vv. 8-12).
  3. Only the one who trusts in the Lord will know that circumstances are always in the Lord's hands (vv. 13-19).
  4. Only the one who trusts in the Lord will be able to offer unconditional obedience to His will (vv. 20-23).
  5. Only the one who trusts in the Lord will experience the true joy of unanticipated blessing from God (vv. 24-30).

Discussion Questions 

Download the questions as a printable PDF file.


We often have some resemblances to relatives—either in appearance, demeanor, likes, skills, etc. Share with your group a few of these resemblances and whether you like them, are neutral to them, or would like to change some of them.


  1. Read the following and discuss King Jehoshaphat’s character: 2 Chronicles 17:3-6; 19:4-7; 20:31-33.
  2. While Jehoshaphat’s heart was devoted to the Lord, he made some unwise alliances. Read 2 Chronicles 18:1-3, 28-31; 19:1-3; 20:35-37. Discuss the alliances and the results.
  3. As followers of Christ, we are forgiven yet still sin; we are not to love this world, yet we are to be salt and light on this earth. Read the following passages: Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11, 9:19-23; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; 1 Peter 1:15-16. What will this look like as we try to live out these truths? Be specific in regard to relationships with family members, neighbors, coworkers, and in the area of dating and marriage. 
  4. What is the report that King Jehoshaphat receives in 2 Chronicles 20:2? How do he and the people respond (20:3-4)?
  5. Read King Jehoshaphat’s prayer in 2 Chronicles 20:5-12. How is God described in these verses? What do the people appeal to for their request? What is their attitude while making the request (see especially v. 12)?
  6. What is the answer from the Lord, through Jahaziel, in 2 Chronicles 20:15-17? How do King Jehoshaphat and the people respond (20:18-21)?
  7. Read 2 Chronicles 20:22-25 to see how the Lord kept His word. Read 20:26-30 for the battle’s aftermath. What is your response to this story?


We as Christians are to live by faith (Hebrews 11:6). Identify a situation you’re facing where you need to live more by faith. Ask someone (or your group) to pray about that with you.


Parents, we are pleased to include a family-oriented section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in your group and “bring it home” to your family.

  1. Which of the following best describes you and your trust in God and His direction in your life? Share your answer and why you chose it. Why is it hard at times to trust the Lord?
    1. I don’t seek Him because I am afraid of what He may say.
    2. I seek Him because I am supposed to, but the decision is mine.
    3. Whatever the Lord wants for me is good, acceptable, and perfect. My answer is yes no matter what the question may be.
  2. Because King Jehoshaphat was devoted to the Lord, he removed idols in the land and obeyed God’s commands (2 Chronicles 17:3-4, 19:3). Read Colossians 3:8-16a. As Christians, what are some hurtful things that we are to “take off”? What are some good things we are to “put on”? How can we do that?
Posted on October 11, 2015 and filed under Special Services.