Posts tagged #Cal Hiebert


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Speaker: Dr. Cal Hiebert
Sermon: When We Have To Choose
Scripture: Genesis 39:1-10; 2 Samuel 11:1-4

Download discussion questions for 2/7/16 here


  1. Consider Joseph's childhood (the dreamer hated by his brothers and favored by his father), what choice would you have thought he would make?
  2. Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17. How important is Christian training in early childhood? Do we have biblical examples of parents teaching their children? Give references.
  3. What scriptural references can you think of that tell us to provide spiritual teaching for our children?
  4. Read James 1:14-15. Can we say that the devil made us yield to temptation? Why or why not?
  5. "Discipline yourself and others won't have to." How does this look in your life?
  6. "The biggest gap in life is the one knowing and doing." Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Parents, we are pleased to include a family-oriented section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in your group and "bring it home" to your family.

  1. Children, like their parents, make decisions every day. In order to make good decisions, they need good advice an guidance. Discuss ways where that advice and guidance can be found. Also read: Proverbs 1:8-9, 2:1-6, 9:10; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 13:17
  2. Read Hebrews 5:14 and Romans 12:2. What are some benefits of constantly using the Word of God? Discuss some tangible ways that will help your family do that very thing.
Posted on February 7, 2016 and filed under When We Have to Choose.

We've Never Been This Way Before

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Speaker: Dr. Cal Hiebert
Scripture: Joshua 3:1-8
Series: We've Never Been This Way Before

Download discussion questions here in PDF form


Tell of a time you have traveled into unknown territory.


  1. What kind of preparations do you make at the beginning of a new year?
  2. Read Philippians 3:13-14. What was Paul's focus and how did it affect his life?
  3. How do we keep our focus on Christ?
  4. What are some of the distractions that keep us from focusing on Christ?
  5. How do you deal with a new situation?
  6. Read Isaiah 30:21. In our busy and noisy culture, how do you hear "the word"?
  7. Read Exodus 18:20 and Deuteronomy 8:2. Who, apart from Christ, helps you find your way in new situations? How do they do this?


Parents, we are pleased to include a family-oriented section to the Community Group questions. Our goal is to assist you in taking what you have learned through the sermon and discussed in your group and "bring it home" to your family.

  1. The Ark of the Covenant (also referred to as the Ark of the Testimony) was a place where God spoke to Moses (see Numbers 7:89). The description of the ark is found in Exodus 25:10-22; if you want to be adventurous, make your own ark!
  2. Read Hebrews 9:4 to find our three items that were kept in the ark. What was the significance of these items (for more info, see Exodus 16:32-34; Numbers 17:1-10; and Deuteronomy 10:2-5)? What do you think the Israelites were to remember from these items?
  3. Discuss how Christians today use communion and baptism. What is the significance of these ordinances? What are we to remember from them? For more information, check out these links: and
Posted on January 31, 2016 and filed under We've Never Been This Way.

Belief Leads to Action

Speaker: Cal Hiebert
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-11

  1. Our Position in Christ (vv. 1-4)
  2. Seek the Heavenly (vv. 1-4)
  3. Put to Death the Earthly (vv. 5-9)
Posted on September 6, 2015 and filed under Special Services.

Investing for the Future

Speaker: Cal Hiebert
Scripture: Luke 12-13-34

Sermon Notes

  1. A person's life does not consist in abundant possessions.
  2. God is in control of man's destiny. 
  3. God will provide for His own.
  4. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Discussion Questions

Download the questions as a printable PDF file.


Tell us about a treasure (other than family) that would be difficult to give up.


  1. Read Ecclesiastes 8:15. How does this differ from the “eat, drink, and be merry” in Luke 12:19?
  2. Read Colossians 3:1-2. How do you set your mind on heavenly things?
  3. Read Ecclesiastes 5:10. How does this complement Jesus’ teaching about possessions?
  4. Read 1 Timothy 6:9-10. Why do you think that desiring riches and loving money causes so many problems?
  5. Read Philippians 4:11-12. What was the secret Paul learned, and how can we learn it?
  6. Is there a difference between earthly and heavenly treasure? If so, what?
  7. Read Luke 12:33. How do we apply this verse to our lives today?
  8. Is it possible to have both earthly and heavenly treasure? Explain.
  9. We are told we must plan for retirement. Discuss how we can do that and at the same time please God.


How are you investing in a heavenly future? 

Posted on April 19, 2015 and filed under Special Services.

Hope in Times of Hopelessness

Speaker: Cal Hiebert
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-9


  • We see hopelessness in society.
  • We see hopelessness in the Bible.


  1. Our hope is anchored in a living God.
  2. Our hope is not anchored in our past.
  3. Our hope is anchored in God's past performance.
  4. Our hope is anchored in God's good plan.
  5. Our hope is anchored in faith.
Posted on May 25, 2014 and filed under Special Services.