The Mission of the Sent

The Mission of the Sent
Marty Voltz (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20)

  1. The GRAVITY of our mission is established throughout Christ’s commission.

  2. The DEPENDENCY of those being sent must rest squarely upon the One sending them.

  3. The DANGER attending our mission is very real. The URGENCY of our mission is seen in our refusal to be distracted by even “Good” things.

  4. The INTEGRITY of our mission requires that we not seek personal advancement or special considerations from those who receive us.

  5. The MESSAGE of our mission is the nearness of God’s kingdom as seen in the person of His Son.

  6. The CONSEQUENCES of our mission are life or death.

  7. The NATURE of our mission is spiritual warfare.

  8. The JOY resulting from our mission will be unparalleled in this lifetime.

Posted on May 28, 2023 .