Speaker: Pastor Jay Childs
Scripture: Mark 6:1-7:23
Series: The Gospel of Mark
Sermon Notes
- His Hometown (vv. 6:1-6)
- His Enemies (vv. 6:7-29)
- His Disciples (vv. 6:30-56)
- Religious Leaders (vv. 7:1-23)
Discussion Questions
Download the questions as a printable PDF file.
What has been one of the most difficult aspects of following Jesus for you?
- What were the main points of the sermon? What was the main point of the sermon?
- Read Mark 6:1-6. Why do those who’ve been raised in the church often become apathetic?
- Read Matthew 7:21-23. Why does Jesus turn these people away? What is the point here?
- Read 1 John 5:13. When can we have assurance of salvation? How important is this?
- Read Mark 6:7-29.
- Why was Herod attracted to Jesus? Why are people attracted to Jesus today?
- How is it clear that Herod’s fear was not the Fear of the Lord?
- Who are some public figures today who reject Jesus yet profess to admire Him?
- Read Mark 6:30-56.
- Why do you think these two miracles are placed back-to-back in Mark?
- In verse 43, why were there twelve baskets left over? Why would Mark emphasize this?
- Compare this story with the one in Mark 4:35-41; note similarities and differences.
- Read Mark 7:1-23.
- Note verses 8-9. Who are some religious leaders today who distort the teachings of Jesus?
- How can we have better discernment when it comes to who we read, who we listen to?
- Read Matthew 11:20-24.
- Why will some be judged more harshly than others on Judgment Day?
- Where were Korazin and Bethsaida? What was unique about them in relation to Jesus?
Read 1 John 2:3-6. How can verbal professions of faith in Jesus be deceptive? What can be done to help encourage a true faith commitment to Jesus?