The Irreducible Pattern of Life Together

Speaker: Pastor Marty Voltz
Scripture: Titus 3:9-15
Series: The Irreducible Gospel

The least read and least appreciated portions of Paul’s letters to the churches are his closings. Yet these lists of strange-sounding names and highly personal instructions have an important truth hidden in them.

  1. We share a common responsibility to strive for unity among our brothers and sisters (vv. 9-11).
  2. We share a common need for one another (vv. 12-13).
  3. We share a common calling to do what is good for one another (v. 14).
  4. We share a common affection for one another (v. 15a).
  5. We share a common experience of grace (v. 15b).

Conclusion: The church Christ desires is a “mutual community.” It is God’s chosen ones enjoying all the present benefits of life together.

Posted on August 25, 2013 and filed under The Irreducible Gospel.