We are so excited to be offering childcare and classes on Sunday mornings again for your children! Currently, we have classes for Early Childhood (birth - age 4) and for children up to 5th grade. Classes are available during both worship services (9:00 and 10:45 am). Register for Awana here and for birth - 5th grade by using the form below. Learn more about Early Childhood, Kids Worship and Popcorn 45 on our EFCCL Kids page.
Registration is RECOMMENDED.
Procedures & Precautions
Please enter through Door 13. Anyone who exhibits any kind of symptom listed in our wellness policy will be asked to return home and not enter the EFCCL Kids area. (Click here to view a list of sick symptoms).
Parents can use the check-in stations to sign their children in to EFCCL Kids. Classrooms will open at 8:45 am for check-in. Parents of Popcorn 45 students will also use the check-in system for their students (located in Room 123-125). Please make sure you keep your unique “Guardian Pick-up” receipt.
After the service, parents will provide their unique guardian pick-up receipt to our classroom teachers who will cross-check your child’s tag.
Above all, we want your child to come to know Jesus personally.
Please do not bring your child to EFCCL Kids if they are experiencing ANY sickness—you and your child will NOT be allowed in to EFCCL Kids if you do.
Heather Soukup
Children’s Disciple-making Director
CELL: 847-494-5676
Email Heather
Kathy Barnes
Early Childhood Coordinator
815.459.1095 (x346)